Employer Branding Film Production


Employer Branding Film Production


Strategy meets storytelling.

Companies rely on moving images that convince internally and inspire externally – precise, professional, impactful. We support communication experts in developing formats and producing content.

  • Production Employer Branding Film
  • Produktion Recruitingfilm
  • Film production for employer branding
  • Production Employer Branding Film
  • Film production in the studio
  • Production recruiting film

Leadership communication

Leadership requires a clear visual language. Whether it’s CEO statements, vision videos, or crisis communication: we strengthen leadership with authentic visual language. Because those who persuade do not just make statements – they build trust.

Image film production
Image film production

Brand stories

Gaining trust, shaping image, anchoring messages: With strategically produced videos, we position your brand where it belongs – in the minds of your target audience. Whether it's customer testimonials, case studies, or campaigns: We rely on images that deliver results and voices that convince.

Vertrauen gewinnen, Image prägen, Botschaften verankern: Mit strategisch produzierten Videos positionieren wir eure Marke dort, wo sie hingehört – im Kopf Ihrer Zielgruppe. Ob Kundenstimmen, Case Studies oder Kampagnen: Wir setzen auf Bilder, die Ergebnisse liefern und Stimmen die überzeugen.

Vertrauen gewinnen, Image prägen, Botschaften verankern: Mit strategisch produzierten Videos positionieren wir eure Marke dort, wo sie hingehört – im Kopf Ihrer Zielgruppe. Ob Kundenstimmen, Case Studies oder Kampagnen: Wir setzen auf Bilder, die Ergebnisse liefern und Stimmen die überzeugen.

Bird's eye view picture drone shot with DJI Inspire 3
Bird's eye view picture drone shot with DJI Inspire 3

Knowledge transfer

From e-learning to process training: We make complex knowledge tangible. Through clear visualizations, interactive elements, and a language that everyone understands. Because when employees learn quickly, the whole company works smarter.

Corporate Film Production
Film production for corporate communication

Live & Interactive

We connect global teams in real-time with livestreams, hybrid events, and webinars.

Globale Teams verbinden wir in Echtzeit mit Livestreams, Hybrid-Events und Webinaren.

Globale Teams verbinden wir in Echtzeit mit Livestreams, Hybrid-Events und Webinaren.

Branded Content Image
Branded Content Image

This is how it could look.

CSS x Backup ONE


CSS x Backup ONE


Swissport: 2023 in Review

Year-End Video

Swissport: 2023 in Review

Year-End Video

Travel Switzerland Excellence Talk


Travel Switzerland Excellence Talk



